Book donations are not being accepted Thursday, September 12-Sunday, November 3. Donations will resume on Monday, November 4. The next used book sale is on Saturday, November 2.

One-on-One Appointments

Complete a One-on-One Appointment Form to meet with library staff for a free one-hour appointment covering the following services. A staff member will contact you within 5 business days (Monday-Friday) to schedule an in-person session.

Services available

  • Business resources
  • Genealogy and local history
  • Borrowing e-books and e-audiobooks
  • Using library online resources
  • Basic tablet (iPad, Kindle Fire, Samsung Galaxy)
  • Basic social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.)
  • Referral services to companies, online and/or print resources, or upcoming library classes for more advanced requests
  • Homebound assistance (looking to chat about books movies with a staff member)

Genealogy 1-1 Appointment

Interested in tracing your unique family history? Set up a one-on-one appointment with staff to get started on your family history or genealogy research.

Creative Technologies

For help with software such as WordPress, GarageBand, iMovie and Adobe Photoshop, Book-A-Maker

One-on-One Appointments at The Branch

Nuestra sucursal en Prospect Heights ofrece asistencia individual en español en una gran variedad de temas de computación, tecnología y muchos mas. Venga a la sucursal durante nuestro horario regular, o haga una cita con un bibliotecario llamando al 847.459.4101 o envíenos un correo electrónico a