Homebound Mailing & Low Vision Services

Homebound Mailing Service 

Members who are unable to visit the library due to a temporary or permanent disability or illness may request to receive items from the library through the U.S. Postal Service. 

Sign Up

Service Specifics

  • Must be an ITPLD member with a valid library card. 
  • Available monthly or twice a month.
  • Limited number of items at a time.
  • Member must be able to receive large packages and return items by mail in a reusable pre-stamped package to the library.
  • There are no late or overdue fines, but fees are assessed for lost or damaged items, including the bag.
  • Items can be checked out for 6 weeks, with up to 3 renewals if another member has not requested the item.

WE visit these locations


Belmont Village (1st Wednesday of the month)
9:30-10:15 am

Wheeling Towers (1st Wednesday of the month)
10:30-11:15 am


Addolorata Villa 2 (2nd and 4th Thursday of the month)
1:15-2:15 pm

Low Vision & Vision Impairment

Staff will assist members in obtaining services and materials through the Talking Book and Braille Services (TBBS). The center serves as the regional distribution site for the materials produced by the Library of Congress. Popular books and magazines that have been reproduced in braille or audio formats may be ordered free-of-charge by persons who qualify for the service.

Information about the National Library Service (NLS) Talking Book program is available at:
Illinois State Library Talking Book and Braille Services (ILTBBS).

Download an application for free library service.