Meet a Maker

We’re highlighting some of the makers in our community so you can learn more about the people who use the Launch Pad and the cool stuff they make! Rachel is a Launch Pad regular who attends many programs here and works on her many crafts at home.
What do you like to do in the Launch Pad or creatively in your free time?
I like to make all types of crafts from making wreaths, jewelry, gnomes, summer wreath sign, etc. I look forward to each time the catalog comes out when I get to pick new projects.
What inspires your creativity?
I like to research different projects on the internet and then make them at the Launch Pad.
What do you like about making?
The different craft options. It varies every time.
What advice do you have for aspiring creatives?
Be experimental – try to make new things that interest you
Some of Rachel’s Projects