Book donations are not being accepted Thursday, September 12-Sunday, November 3. Donations will resume on Monday, November 4. The next used book sale is on Saturday, November 2.


How does fine-free work?

The library migrated to a new catalog and went fine-free in late 2019. Material renews automatically for up to three times, if no one has placed a hold on the material. 

Materials still have due dates, and members will receive notices when items are due. Here is how notices work:

Not every CCS library is fine-free, so remember when checking out material

  • Items checked out at a fine-free library will not accumulate fines if overdue, regardless of where the items are returned to or where the item comes from.
    However, long-overdue items (over 45 days past due date) will be accessed a processing fee of $5.00 per item.
  • Items checked out at a library that charges fines will accrue fines if overdue, even if returned to a fine-free library. 


What about lost books or other material fees? 
Fees for lost or damaged items or other various fees, such as Launch Pad material, printing or test proctoring must still be paid. There is no change to this policy.

Does material still have due dates?
Yes, material will still have due dates. 

How often will material be renewed?
As long as no one has requested an item, most material will be automatically renewed three times.

What happens if I don’t return the material?
If the item has already been renewed 3 times or has been requested by another borrower, accounts are blocked 14 days after the due date.

Do I have to pay fines if I return the item late?
If the item is returned within 3 months of the due date and/or before the account is sent to collections (whichever comes first), replacement charges are removed from the account. A $5. per item processing fee and/or collection fee ($10.) will be the member’s responsibility. The collection fee is activated when an account reaches $49.99.

Without fines, how can you be sure the material will get returned?
Our objective is always to get material back so it is available for someone else to check out. We believe most people want to return their items on time, but sometimes that isn’t possible. This is why everyone receives a reminder when items are overdue.